Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Block #4 and My Distraction for Being a Day Late

I apologize for block #4 being a day late; I had a distraction these last couple of days. I had decided, months ago, that since there was so much fuss over The Twilight Series, that maybe I should read them and see what the fuss was about. A month ago, my Aunt gave me her copy of the first book. Unfortunately, as a very busy mom of 5 girls, it has sat on my counter this whole time.

Last week or so, I was browsing the newest patterns on Ravelry and saw a pattern for an iphone cozy. It had an open window on the front, so that you could still use your apps. In the pattern picture the iphone has its Amazon Kindle app open. That set the wheels in motion.

I do not own a Kindle or an iphone but I do have an ipod touch. I found the Amazon Kindle app in the apps store, happy that it was free because I knew I was going to be paying for the books. I downloaded the app and the first Twilight book. The app has been so much more convenient and I have been able to read through a book in about 2 days. I am now on book four.

Kindle on my ipod

So that’s my excuse for being behind on posting this block. Now on to the pattern!

Block 4

Ch 27

Row 1: dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across.

Row 2: Ch 4, turn, skip 1st dc, *dc in next dc, ch 1, skip next dc* repeat across.

Row 3: Ch 3, turn *dc in chain 1 space, dc in dc, repeat from star.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 to desired size.

Block 4

Monday, January 18, 2010

Block 3 of the Three Generations Afghan

Block 3
Originally uploaded by CreationsByHand

Here is block 3 for the Three Generations Afghan.

Block 3 - Crazy Stitch

Ch 29

Row 1: 3 dc in 4th ch from hook, *skip 3 chs, sc in next ch, ch 3, 3 dc in same chain. Repeat from * across. End with sc in last ch.

Row 2: Ch 3, turn, 3 dc in sc of previous row. *sc in next ch 3 space of last row, ch 3, 3 dc in same space, prepeat from * across. End with sc in last ch 3 space.

Repeat row two.

Block pattern keeper

This is what I am doing to keep the patterns together for my 10 year old daughter since I have been working ahead so that I have the block ready to post here. I'm worried that she has lost her interest :-( She is half way through block 1 and I can seem to motivate her to finish. I hope I can spark her interest again and get her back on the wagon!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Block 2 for the Three Generations Afghan

Block 2
Originally uploaded by CreationsByHand

My Mother has named this afghan the “Three Generations Afghan” because My Mother, myself and my 10 year old daughter are all working on our own afghans together, hence, three generations. I like the name and the afghan will make a nice memory for my daughter when she gets older and takes the afghan with her.

I apologize for this block being late. I originally hoped to post a new block every Saturday. I’m thinking this will probably not happen as it gets a little crazy around here with my five girls, since there is no school. I think a more realistic post day will be Monday, during nap time. So…you can start expecting every week’s block to be posted on Mondays.

Block #2

Ch 25

Row 1: *Slip st in first ch, hdc in next ch, repeat from star, ch 2, turn

Row 2: *hdc across, ch 1, turn

Repeat these two rows until block is the same size as block one.

Single crochet around the block in same color as the block was worked. Half double crochet around the block again in your joining color.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Craft for January and Afghan Block #1

For the month of January my Mom and I have decided to make paper beads from the security print inside of envelopes. We may also make some from magazine pages, scrapbook paper or other paper that strikes our fancy. When we have these done, we will post the directions. Start saving your junk mail envelopes that have a security print inside them.

We have also decided that we will start making afghan blocks to later put together for an afghan. Our plan is to do a block a week but that will depend on how fast my 10 year old daughter can keep up as she has decided to join us. I am using Michael’s new yarn called Loops and Threads Impeccable and a size H hook for all the blocks. The blocks will all be in crochet as my daughter kind of gave up on knitting when she learned that crochet is much easier for her :-)

For each block, single crochet around the edges in the same color as the block and then half double crochet around the block again in the color you will be using to join all the block, sort of like a background color.

Please note:  I do not claim to own the patterns for any blocks that will be posted here for this afghan. These patterns are relayed to me over the phone without reference to where it came from. If you own the patterns and want credit for them please contact me.

Block #1 pattern:
Worsted weight yarn
Size H hook


sc: single crochet

lsc: long single crochet (insert hook in stitch one row below your working row, pull loop up to height of work, work a single crochet)

Chain 23 or a multiple of 2+1

Row 1: sc across, ch 1, turn

Row 2: *sc in next sc, lsc in next sc, repeat from star, ch 1, turn

Repeat these two rows until your block is square.

Photo of Block #1

I am having trouble uploading photos, but you can see a picture of this block by clicking the link above.